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Sign up for the CampusGuard monthly newsletter and receive all the latest news and information written by our team of compliance and cybersecurity experts.

Our newsletter provides you with all of the latest information you will need to stay on top of important topics related to cybersecurity, compliance, regulatory training requirements, and so much more.

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What type of content is included in the monthly newsletter?

Stay informed of important and timely news and information related to complex regulatory compliance and training requirements. By signing up for our newsletter, the latest information arrives directly to your email inbox when you need it most.

Our team of industry experts write articles and provide important news and updates related to the following topics:

  • Changes and updates to compliance regulations (PCI DSS, GLBA, HIPAA, FACTA Red Flags, FERPA, GDPR, and more!)
  • Cybersecurity tips and best practices
  • CampusGuard/RedLens InfoSec news and announcements
  • Through the RedLens—thought leadership from the RedLens team

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What else is included in the newsletter?

  • Informative Videos

    Explore the latest videos from CampusGuard featuring informative cybersecurity and compliance tips and best practices.
  • Upcoming Conferences and Webinars

    Learn about upcoming conferences we're attending, webinars we're hosting, and other events where you can find us.
  • Treasury Solutions Information

    Keep up to date on the latest payment technology solutions, ACH information, and payment rules and regulations.
  • Partnerships

    Discover who we're partnering with and how that boosts the value of our offerings to our customers.