
We support your business by assessing its needs and providing a complete solution to remedy any gaps in your current information security program

Corporate Cybersecurity

The Crucial Element of Security

Building your business takes time. One data breach can be all it takes to damage it beyond repair. No matter where you are in your cybersecurity journey, CampusGuard will work alongside your organization to protect it from cyber threats—giving you peace of mind.

Support to Help Streamline Your Organizational Processes

Industry-Leading Expertise

The CampusGuard team comes highly certified, with a deep understanding of the latest in networking and system administration, operating systems, security controls, and more.

Our Customer-Centric Approach

When you partner with CampusGuard, your organization will be assigned a primary Security Advisor and a Customer Relationship Manager who work with you directly and are there when you need them.

Flexible Agreement Options

CampusGuard is your partner for all of your organization's cybersecurity and compliance needs, whether that be a one-time assessment, or an ongoing annual agreement.

Protecting Your Cyber Space

Your information security posture is significant to your business—protecting the sensitive data you use and store is vital to your longevity. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Assess your Security Posture

    First and foremost, you need to know where you stand: what are your current risks and what are you doing now to mitigate them? Regular assessments will help you more easily identify vulnerability gaps.
  • Create a Policy

    Your organization should create a clear and enforceable policy around your cybersecurity goals. Be sure to incorporate password requirements, device usage guidelines, and multi-factor authentication.
  • Secure your Network

    Segment your networks and use a secure network with encryption whenever you are processing or storing sensitive data.
  • Train Your Staff

    Your employees are your first line of defense against cybercrime. Be sure they engage in ongoing security awareness training so they can detect and impede potential threats.
  • Plan for a Breach

    While focusing on prevention, you should also be prepared to react to a data breach. Create and test your incident response plan regularly so the team responding knows their roles in remediation if a breach occurs.
  • Schedule Policy Updates

    As the digital landscape evolves, cybercrime is becoming increasingly sophisticated. Assess your information security policy regularly and make necessary updates as needed.

Why Choose CampusGuard?

The team at CampusGuard works with organizations of all sizes and at varying stages of information security management. We look forward to becoming an extension of your team and working with you to improve your security posture so you can continue to grow your business.

277 Days

Average time to identify and contain a data breach - IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report


Average cost of lost business due to a data breach - IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report

The Cost of Ignoring Cybersecurity

As the world becomes increasingly connected, so does your business—making it easier than ever to become a victim of a cyber attack without the necessary security protections. Vulnerabilities and deficiencies in your network and security program jeopardize your business and can result in lost money, time, and reputation. CampusGuard is ready to help you remediate any gaps in your system so you can pass your peace of mind onto your customers.

Get Started Today
Article Third-Party Service Providers

Third-Party Vendor Breaches — Is Your Organization Prepared to Respond?

Outsourcing to a third-party vendor can shift many of the required security and compliance controls away from your organization, but you will still own the overall compliance responsibility, and a third-party breach can still have a significant impact on your organization’s customers, name, and reputation.

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