CampusGuard celebrates our 10 year anniversary this month and I couldn’t think of a better way to kick-off my inaugural blog then to acknowledge all of the hard-working, dedicated CampusGuard team members that work tirelessly on behalf of our loyal customers. Our relentless focus on great customer care is a direct result of the outstanding work performed day in and day out by these phenomenal individuals.
A friend of mine that does a lot of early stage investing recently told me that 93% of all venture funded companies fail in the first 5 years and that half of the remaining 7% never make it to ten years. Doing the math, that means that only 3.5% of these companies ever make it to ten years. I am not sure if those numbers are absolutely accurate, but what a milestone we have reached to not only make it to ten years, but to do so with nearly all of our original customers still working with us! That level of loyalty is hard to earn and even harder to maintain, but by staying focused on our core principles of providing outstanding service in a meaningful and caring way, we have managed to overcome overwhelming odds to continue delivering services to you, our over 300 valued customers.
The future looks bright! We have added a significant number of new CampusGuardian’s over the years and continue to grow our team on a regular basis. Integrating all of these new individuals into the customer care culture of our organization is a high priority as we continue our focus on delivering exceptional value for you. We have introduced several new product and service offerings over the past 24 months and will continue to expand our capabilities and service offerings on a regular basis. Our combination of deep technical expertise, coupled with our team-based service delivery approach makes it likely that we will continue to add more and more value for you. Finally, by not trying to be all things to all people, we will always work closely with you, our campus-based partner customers, to ensure that all of our services are tailored specifically to meet your complex and unique needs.
We are proud of what we do and who we are. And we are honored to serve you now and in the future. So congratulations to all CampusGuardian’s as we celebrate this major milestone of ten years in service. And thank you to all of you, our valued customers.